Tenant Services
Boingo’s Tenant Service program provides a simple wireless network solution for businesses that operate within your venue.
A common-use network equates to some big wins for venues, tenants, guests and staff
Clear the Clutter
Reduced network interference and SSID clutter
Make the Dough
Additional revenue stream for your venue
Lean on Me
24×7 network operations and customer care
Outsource, Simplify, Repeat
Turnkey, end-to-end services designed for you
Streamline That Speed Dial
Simplified operations with a single, venue-wide network operator
Ready When You Are
Tested solution designed to get you connected quickly

Turnkey Solutions
Our products support private access and public lounges, and we can even bundle fixed line service if desired. Not even sure what that means? That works too; we will do it all so you don’t have to.